Is Clinical Hypnosis an Empirically Supported Treatment For Depression?

Soul Searchers UK

From personal experience, I would say Hypnotherapy saved my life.

There is a large body of clinical evidence and a growing body of empirical evidence that hypnosis can contribute significantly to positive treatment results in a variety of ways (i.e., directly and indirectly) related to depression. Specifically, a considerable literature already amassed attests to the value of hypnosis as a tool of empowerment, especially important in diminishing depression.

in fact, clinical reports in professional books and scientific journals which describe symptom improvement in various disorders following the use of hypnosis routinely report a diminution of depression. These studies specifically mention depression reduction when describing positive results in treating pain, anxiety, and other physical and psychological symptoms

(Crawford & Barabasz,1993; lynch, 1999; Montgomery, Duhamel & redd, 2000; Moore & Burrows,1991;schoenberger, Kirsch, Gearan, Montgomery & pastyrnak, 1997; yapko, 1993)


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Hypnosis : A Little History

Soul Searchers UK

From the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnotic or suggestive therapy is one of the oldest of all healing techniques. From the Sleep Temples of Egypt through the histories of ancient Greece and Rome various forms of hypnosis have been an intimate part of the culture.

In the Middle Ages, healing through faith and prayer became the major way of treating disease. In the 18th Century – when it was believed that illness was caused by the magnetic influence of astral bodies – Franz Anton Mesmer would induce people into a trance-like state by what he believed to be Animal Magnetism. Although Mesmer ‘s theory was soon discredited, it continued to be used even afterhis deathas it often produced ‘miracle’ cures.

When Dr James Braid re-examined Mesmerism in the 19th Century he discovered that simple suggestion was just as effective as Mesmerism or any other method to induce trance-like states…

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Fracking Literally Makes People Sick, New Study Finds

Soul Searchers UK

Depopulation agenda right in front of your face!

Anastasia Pantsios, Ecowatch | new study provided more ammunition for what public health experts and environmental activists have been saying since fracking became widespread in the last half decade: chemicals used in the natural gas drilling process can be hazardous to health.

The study “Proximity to Natural Gas Wells and Reported  Health Status: Results of a Household Survey in Washington County, Pennsylvania,” published yesterday in Environmental Health Perspectives,found that people who live near fracking sites have more health problems than those who don’t.

The Yale-based research team that produced the study looked at families in southwestern Pennsylvania’s Marcellus shale region who use ground-fed water wells. Surveying 492 individuals in 180 households, researchers found a significantly greater number of skin and respiratory problems among those who lived within one kilometer of a natural gas well than those who lived two…

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UK to allow fracking drilling under people’s land without their consent

Soul Searchers UK

The UK plans to allow fracking companies to drill under people’s land without their agreement, despite public opposition.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) said it will press ahead with proposals to simplify underground access for oil and gas developers despite the objection of 99 percent of respondents to a consultation.

The UK-wide plan would give companies the right to drill at depths of 300 metres or more under private land without negotiating a right of access.

A statement from the Department of Energy and Climate Change said: “New laws will now be passed giving automatic access for gas and oil development below 300m and a notification and compensation scheme will be run by the industry on a voluntary basis.

“It is essential that we make the most of home-sourced energy and start exploring the natural energy supplies beneath our feet. As the cleanest fossil fuel shale gas…

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